Monday, April 19, 2010

MV and Customer Definition

Main variable
The Main Variable, also called the category definition, is supposed to be something that the organization is already the category leader in.
Therefore this is what I think...

Main Variable: Nonprofit Iranian-American Cultural Organizations who host year long events which promote, encourage, and foster the charitable and educational interests of the Persian community.

I might still be confused about this but, I think I'm on the right track. On the other hand, I'm still quite confused about the dynamic variable.


Ali is a 45 year old software engineer who drops his children off to school in the morning every day on the way to work. Ali is an American-raised Iranian who works long hours and has little time to spend with his children. He wishes he could spend more time teaching them Farsi and the Iranian culture. Ali's wife, Mozhdeh works full time and calls home (Iran) about once a month to talk to her family. Neither have much time to cook or to learn how to cook Persian dishes. Ali knows a few Iranians in the area, but does not spend more than an afternoon with them in a months time. Ali's family attends the annual Norouz celebration hosted by the local University. Ali's son, Reza, is having a hard time adjusting in school, as he struggles with his cultural identity.

More to Come Soon....

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