Thursday, April 15, 2010

More Thoughts

With regards to the Customer Attidunal stance, I would have to say that the target customer is definitely a HEART loyal. Again Persians are a very prideful group. Our country is in shambles, the US media portrays us negatively, the events in MD and the cultural importance strikes a major chord among constituents. It's almost, all they have going on, to remind them of the true value of their culture.

Honestly, I'm not sure if the whole heart, head, hand loyal thing really applies here. There aren't any other Iranian cultural NPs in the area. There is no other place where they can donate to Iranian related purposes than the IACS. But if we were to really force the framework to this context, then it would look something like this.

Head loyals, choose between IACS sponsored events and University sponsored events (for major events). (Although University events don't ask for donations ever). Heart loyals: See this is difficult. The Iranians in the area, support many of our groups (IACS, Universities, etc.). They go to IACS events, and University events. They only compete on the major cultural events. The only distinction really, is on how often some people attend events / donate, and those who don't come at all(whom I would categorize as hand loyals). So lets force the framework:

Heart loyals: Frequent attenders who donate
Head loyals: Attenders of major cultural events, usually non donors
Hand loyals, once in a blue moon attenders / non attenders

Again, my target audience are frequent attenders who donate occassionally, but I want
them to donate major.

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