Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Marketing Objective: Stimulate Demand / Retention -
Basically, to get the appropriate amount of funding for this building we need our constituents/members to donate more money. We can't rely on the govt to give us a grant, most likely that won't go through (in my opinion). At this late stage, it would be too late to acquire new members and get them committed enough to dish out sufficient money (therefore acquisition stimulate demand doesn't make sense). In the state of MD, there is only one Iranian American Cultural Society. There are University clubs, which host major events, but they don't sponsor year long events (i.e. farsi school, islam school, poetry nights, etc. etc.) They also aren't asking for donations for anything. Therefore, earn share marketing objectives also don't make sense in this context.

We need more frequent and larger donations. Persians are a very prideful people. It is not saying, that other cultures aren't as prideful, but this general assumption lays the ground for my reasoning on why I think it is feasible to fulfill the marketing objective of earning larger and more frequent donations. The largest donor so far, has given $1500. However, if you look at the distribution of donations after this, the others aren't that far off between $700 and $1000. The Treasurer of IACS wants to put down a sizable down payments, to reduce interest and payment installments in the future. She is aiming to put down atleast $40,000. They currently have roughly $15,000. My aim is to devise a plan which will help get them over $40,000 in a years time.

Since the standard deviation of donations appears to be relatively small (among large donors), and the fact that the IACS has been targetting major donors for such a long time, I think it would be strategically advantageous to focus on occassional donors, and work towards converting them into major donors.

Well, That's all for now, I might post some more thoughts tonight.

And here is the LINK for anyone who's interested:

- Sherwin

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